Thursday, December 24, 2009
Childhood memory

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
All Bundled Up
The boys love sledding behind the snowmobile. Ryan got them this new utility sled, since they kept sliding off the other sled we had. Jack is usually done getting his snow stuff on, before I even get Tyler started.. Jack even asked me to get the snowmobile out. I need to learn how to start it and drive it. Maybe after I get some super warm snow gear.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas 2009
Jack is loving first grade! Books, Books, and more books. I'm so happy that he likes to read. He is still into "Cars" and now has to spend time on the computer. I'm amazed at how much he can navigate on the computer. Parental controls will be activated on Youtube. He played farm league baseball and talks about playing again next summer. He took swimmimg lessons this fall and will take them again this winter. He will always be my little fish. He is also starting to like GI Joe.
Tyler is a "big" 3 year old. He is everyone's shadow. Especially, Dad and Jack. He loved his Saturday mornings with Dad, while Jack and I were at swimmimg. They would go to Home Depot, John Deere or Tractor Supply. Sometimes they may even go see Grandpa. Tyler has a blast when Jack is home from school. A few times, he has asked me to, go get Jack at around 9am. He knows we get him a 3:30. He really liked helping me with the Christmas cards. He is quite the little stamper and liked putting the brads on.
Ryan is still working with State Farm and took over another agency for 9 months. I know he is glad that is done. He went to almost every Thursday Tigers game this summer and we did get in one small camping trip. He got two doe's this hunting season and enjoys pulling the kids on the snowmobile.
In April, we traveled to Oahu and the Big Island of Hawaii. I thought it would have been hotter, but it was still a wonderful trip. We toured the Dole Pineapple Plantation and Pearl Harbor.
I am still very fortunate to stay home with Tyler. He keeps me on my toes. I try to take his picture somedays and he just runs away. I am also involved at our church with Moms group. It was wonderful to be connected. I have really enjoyed scrapbooking this year. I don't think I will ever be done. The boys enjoy looking at all the photos.
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy 2010!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Jack gets photo with Santa
He finally did it! Jack had enough courage to sit on Santa's lap for a picture. He told him everything he wanted (Tractor Tipping game was at the top of his list) and is excited to show everyone his picture. Tyler was not interested in talking to Santa or sitting on his lap. He did wave to him and got a candy cane.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Yeah, Jack!
This past Saturday, was so exciting. I don't know who was more excited Jack or myself. They got to go in the diving pool. First, they dove off the edge and then, they got to go on the diving board. Jack was so happy, to finally get a chance to go in the "deep pool". He even tried to sneak in a extra turn. I need to up the lessons, so he can do swim team. I wonder if he likes the water, because I toon prenatal water aerobics?!!
Tyler my helper
Tyler got in on the action, when we painted on the 29th. He loves to help, with whatever I am doing. I thought a small brush would be the least messy. I kept the roller for me.
The kitchen and living room look very nice now.
Happy Birthday Tyler!
He is officially a 3 year old. He is really into "Cars", I think because his brother has been for the last three years. He really didn't have much of a choice. We celebrated with a cars cake from Robaire's Bakery. He got a scooter and his Flo's V8 cafe. The scooter was a big hit, especially once dad put it together. Tyler had one foot on it while he ate, since he didn't want Jack to ride it.
Jack's wisdom
Jack informed me that Maizy needs to go in her crate and think about
it. She was chewy on one of his toys.
it. She was chewy on one of his toys.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Buzz & Woody
The boys have waited so long to wear their costumes. Jack said, "this is the best Halloween ever", since they had a parade and party at school. He also brought home a big bag of candy. The night of Halloween was in the 30's due to the windchill. They had so many layers on and Tyler wore his mittens w/o a fuss. We Trick or Treated in Cornerstone Esate subdivision. The McBryde's let us park in their driveway. Jack got scared by the Pirate at the second house. I think he made the couples night. Jack & Elizabeth kept running ahead and Tyler had to be carried a few times. Toward the end, Tyler would just lay in the grass. They got lots of treats and lasted about a hour. Tyler fell asleep on the way home. 
Today, they have enjoyed their candy and so has Dad. Tyler's favorite candy is Reese's PB cups and Jack likes the lollipops.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Lions finally have a Victory!!
Our new family member
Ryan did all the leg work and found a new Golden puppy for our family. We picked her up from the breeder on Oct. 22. We all got to make then drive, since Mt. Pleasant schools were closed due to the flu for 3 days.
Maizy (Maize and Blue, U of M colors) weighs 10 lbs and is 7 weeks old. She barked the first hour in her crate and then quited down for the rest of the ride home. Jack has been enjoying her (for someone who didn't want a dog). He keeps carrying her. Check out Maziy's blog at http://ourdogmaizy.blogspot.com/
Maizy (Maize and Blue, U of M colors) weighs 10 lbs and is 7 weeks old. She barked the first hour in her crate and then quited down for the rest of the ride home. Jack has been enjoying her (for someone who didn't want a dog). He keeps carrying her. Check out Maziy's blog at http://ourdogmaizy.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Papa's Visit
The week of Sept. 9th thru the 15th Papa came to vist us from Georgia. Tyler and I picked him up at the airport. Tyler loved watching the planes and going up and down the escalator. Thursday, we went to Midland, since the airline lost Papa's phone charger.
Friday, Jack had a two hr school delay due to fog of all things. We decided to travel up to Mackinaw City and the U.P. All the boys enjoyed skipping rocks in the water. We had lunch at Darrow's, ice cream and of course stopped in the toy store.
Saturday, Papa and I took Jack to swimming lessons and came home for cake. That afternoon, Papa, Tyler and I went to Midland to run a few errands. We also went to the mall, so Tyler could play with the Thomas the Train table at Barnes & Noble.
Sunday we went to Comerica for Brunch and then watch the Tigers beat the Blue Jays. I think Jack and I spent most of the time in line waiting for the Carosel.
Friday, Jack had a two hr school delay due to fog of all things. We decided to travel up to Mackinaw City and the U.P. All the boys enjoyed skipping rocks in the water. We had lunch at Darrow's, ice cream and of course stopped in the toy store.
Saturday, Papa and I took Jack to swimming lessons and came home for cake. That afternoon, Papa, Tyler and I went to Midland to run a few errands. We also went to the mall, so Tyler could play with the Thomas the Train table at Barnes & Noble.
Sunday we went to Comerica for Brunch and then watch the Tigers beat the Blue Jays. I think Jack and I spent most of the time in line waiting for the Carosel.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Jack's Kid Party
Yesterday, we celebrated Jack's 7th birthday with four of his friends; Andrew, Jordan, Connor, and Taylor. We rented a bounce house and they all had a blast. Ryan and Tyler got in on the action too. I even got in before all the kids got there. The boys found frogs in the mud, but I had them let them go. I don't think any of the parents wanted a pet frog as a party favor. Then we gathered up the boys and headed to the garage for a Optimus Prime Pinata. I'm glad it held together as long as it did. Everyone got plenty of hits in. They all scrambled to get the candy. Then into the house for cake, ice cream and present. I'm thankful Grandma Pat was able to help with the party. The boys finally got to see Grandpa, since he had his cancer treatment. Lots of fun memories.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Day of School
Today was Jack's first day of first grade. Everyone must have been excited, since we were all awake early. It was so nice, we ate breakfast together and had time for a few pictures. No tears from Jack, but Tyler did. I don't know, but it may have been, because Jack told him he couldn't go to school. We all took Jack to school. We wanted to watch him a bit, but he was watching us. We drove around the parking and came back to see that he was on the play structure.
Tyler cried a few times and at one point said, "I want my Jack back". So cute, he missed his big brother. It was nice to start with a half day. Tyler was my shadow most of the morning and we went to the park before we picked up Jack. After we picked Jack up from school, we picked up Wendy's for lunch.

Tyler cried a few times and at one point said, "I want my Jack back". So cute, he missed his big brother. It was nice to start with a half day. Tyler was my shadow most of the morning and we went to the park before we picked up Jack. After we picked Jack up from school, we picked up Wendy's for lunch.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Binder Park Zoo
The last week of summer vacation and we made it to the zoo. I was so excited to take the boys to Binder Park Zoo, so they could feed the giraffe. We took the tram over to the South Africa section and Jack had fun feeding the giraffe. Tyler waited a bit and when he finally tried to feed the giraffe, the giraffe licked him. Poor Tyler freaked out and was crying.
The boys crouch down, so I can get the zebra in the background.
Trying to get the boys to look at me. It was strange, since there was hardly anyone else at the zoo, so early in the morning.
Tyler performing a drum solo, while we wait from the tram.

Tyler riding the carousel. All smiles.
Jack happy to be brushing the Pygmey goats. Tyler would not go in near them, after the giraffe experience.
Tyler's new favorite word is "Peacock". They were roaming free all over the zoo.
The boys spent a long time watching the turtles and cat fish swim. They even climbed up on this fake tortise.
We also went on a train ride.
Tyler riding the carousel. All smiles.
They even had the wax molds of the animals. Maybe we will get them next time.
By 2:30, Tyler was asleep in his stroller, so it was time to drive back home. I asked Jack, what his favorite animal at the zoo was and he answered "the hamster".
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tyler's first trip to the Dentist
Yesterday was Ila's last day of being a Dental Hygenist. We all were due for a cleaning, so it was fun being her last patients. Jack was the first one in the chair, of course. He loves to get his teeth cleaned. Yeah, still no cavaties.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Camping 2009
We finally got to go camping at South Higgins Lake this year. We only stayed 2 days, but the boys had a great time. We didn't even use the AC in the camper, but glad the heater worked. Jack got to cook his own hot dog over the campfire. He had fun burning marshmellows and yes, I did eat a s'more with one of them.
Tyler needed a nap after running around the playground with all the big kids.
Jack fishing. No worms required!
Jack feeding the geese. It was all fun until they started charging him and one nipped his finger. We also had a couple chipmunks at our site that decided our loaf of bread looked tasty and so did the jar of Jif. A racoon decided to tear up the trash in the middle of the night. Seagulls came swooping down in the water as Jack was throwing up his lego cars. Wildlife always a fun aspect of camping.
Tyler waited the whole car ride to open his dart gun.

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