The last week of summer vacation and we made it to the zoo. I was so excited to take the boys to Binder Park Zoo, so they could feed the giraffe. We took the tram over to the South Africa section and Jack had fun feeding the giraffe. Tyler waited a bit and when he finally tried to feed the giraffe, the giraffe licked him. Poor Tyler freaked out and was crying.

The boys crouch down, so I can get the zebra in the background.

Trying to get the boys to look at me. It was strange, since there was hardly anyone else at the zoo, so early in the morning.

Tyler performing a drum solo, while we wait from the tram.

Tyler riding the carousel. All smiles.

Jack happy to be brushing the Pygmey goats. Tyler would not go in near them, after the giraffe experience.

Tyler's new favorite word is "Peacock". They were roaming free all over the zoo.

The boys spent a long time watching the turtles and cat fish swim. They even climbed up on this fake tortise.

We also went on a train ride.
They even had the wax molds of the animals. Maybe we will get them next time.
By 2:30, Tyler was asleep in his stroller, so it was time to drive back home. I asked Jack, what his favorite animal at the zoo was and he answered "the hamster".
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