
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Camping 2011

After we got everyone all set in their campers or cabin, we enjoyed hot dogs and good conversation. I think Jack loves having his Great Uncle Don to talk too.

Time to go for a boat ride with everyone.. all the men were under the canopy, while the women enjoyed the sunshine. Jack did some tubing and both boys went swimming!

Jack & Tyler really wanted to play on the beach, but who knew that relaxing and playing in the sand could lead to.....

THIS..Swimmer's itch! All night Jack kept saying he itched, so I sprayed calamine on his bug bites. In the morning he was covered with all these spots. Only a 1/3 of people ave an allergic reaction to the parasite.
 I didn't know if it was Chickenpox or swimmer's itch until Grandma Pat had a look at it. It should be gone in 5-7 days. Happy to report after 4 days of oral Benedryl and soaking in Aveeno baths he is doing much better.

Tyler likes Fish! Aunt JoAnn & Uncle Don treated us to a fish fry. They brought Sheaphead fish that they had caught in Florida and Uncle Don fried it up. Tyler wants to go to Florida, so he can go fishing.

All in all it was a great camping trip. Aunt Pat was able to join us and we had a couple of surprise visitors...Aunt Jane and Sidney. So nice that everyone got to play rook and talk around the campfire.

Friday, July 1, 2011

June 2011

We made our annual roadtrip to WI, so nice that my Dad also came to visit. Tyler and Papi enjoying a hotdog at Austin's baseball game. Boy was it HoT!! We only stayed for a few innings.

Just part of the 40+ people that made up our team "We Walk In Memory" for the Susan Komen Race for the Cure.

Ryan & I took a trip to Bermuda for SF. I may only scrapbook a page, I've had better vacations! The highlight was relaxing on the beach. This is a portion of Horseshoe Bay!